We use insights to
inspire great stories

Whether we’re suggesting changes to your website content or introducing a targeted thought leadership campaign to position your C-suite to leading SA decision-makers, we want to make sure it’s coming from an informed point of view.

Aprio Digital uses Brandwatch – the world’s leading social listening and real-time conversation/topic tracking software to assess what content your audience is looking for. From this we then shape topics and themes to help guide your thought leadership content in a more fluid way.

Analytics and performance tracking

There are many bulk mailing platforms for digital newsletters, but one of the better ones is Everlytic. It includes detailed analytics on open-rates, which allows the marketer to view:

Total opens, Individual opens, By whom, When opened, Content clicked, Shares, Geo-location. And of course bounces and non-deliverables

These insights are of special interest when there is a digital newsletter campaign, where ongoing statistical comparisons are required. When a newsletter supports a bigger digital campaign (i.e. digital magazine), the synergy of Everlytic and Google Analytics creates a 360 view of audience engagement.

Google Analytics (GA) can track engagement of any web based content, provided the content has a URL and defined segments on the site or page. GA is known to provide a broad offering of analytics, from hi-level to deep-dive.

High-level example of Google Analytic dashboard for
Consol Glass - Clarity magazine


Benchmarking helps to objectively evaluate one’s digital marketing activities. We use various methods to assess digital marketing activities, including tracking and measuring engagement.

We use insights to
inspire great stories

Whether we’re suggesting changes to your website content or introducing a targeted thought leadership campaign to position your C-suite to leading SA decision-makers, we want to make sure it’s coming from an informed point of view.

Aprio Digital uses Brandwatch – the world’s leading social listening and real-time conversation/topic tracking software to assess what content your audience is looking for. From this we then shape topics and themes to help guide your thought leadership content in a more fluid way.

Analytics and performance tracking

There are many bulk mailing platforms for digital newsletters, but one of the better ones is Everlytic. It includes detailed analytics on open-rates, which allows the marketer to view:

Total opens, Individual opens, By whom, When opened, Content clicked, Shares,

Geo-location. And of course bounces and non-deliverables

These insights are of special interest when there is a digital newsletter campaign, where ongoing statistical comparisons are required. When a newsletter supports a bigger digital campaign (i.e. digital magazine), the synergy of Everlytic and Google Analytics creates a 360 view of audience engagement.

Google Analytics (GA) can track engagement of any web based content, provided the content has a URL and defined segments on the site or page. GA is known to provide a broad offering of analytics, from hi-level to deep-dive.

High-level example of Google Analytic dashboard for
Consol Glass - Clarity magazine